Please before we go into the nitty gritty of the above topic, it wouldn’t be out of place to first talk briefly about the meaning of the acronym P.R.O as a brand. PRO means Public Relations Officer, the PRO is the official image of an image maker of any coy, be it Ministry, Department or Agency (MDA) or of any private outfit as well. PRO or PR will be interchangeablly used in the course of this presentation.

PROs involved in among other things, the organization of Press briefings for its MDA or company as well as prepares speeches for its boss in some cases. PROs are responsible for all media related issues from preparations of Press Releases or announcement and other kind of writeups, up to the level of media placements. It takes care of all printed material works on behalf of its coy.
SOME CHALLENGES FACING THE PROS PROFESSION TILL DATE ARE (1) there is no known official provision of budget allocation for government PROs on like their private counterparts (2) Other staff in the MDAs, media practitioners involves deeply in PROs works or affairs, and the Admin. officers most times assumes and functions as PROs in the MDAs. (3) And worst still is, if the boss, may be the Governor, Commissioner or an Executive Secretary etc, that the PRO is supposed to serve happens not to like the PRO’s face for any reason, then there wouldn’t be a proper outing for that PRO in that office because these are the persons that officially finance and dictate all PROs activities round the clock. (4) While in the private sector the feelings are very mixed compare to the government MDAs, in the private organisation, there are the good and bad side of PRO in the sense that when business is very good the PR department enjoys huge budgeted accounts on advertising, releases, and other materials works are usually well provided for etc, and these makes the PRO blossom, but when business begins to dwindle, the department is the worse hit, and first to loss patronage as most activities in that department is badly relegated to the background till things get better or improves…
Now let’s take care of the topic properly… Rebranding your Brand: The basic Entrepreneurial Skills required to function effectively as a brand here, are the basic knowledge of improved writing skills, editing, and the final placement as well as very importantly, looking good at all times because they say ”looking good is good business,” and that will be used to rate the PRO mostly at first Opportunities, and in this PR business, you have to be on top of your game when it comes to colour combination of wears as in being smartly dressed, therefore, as an image maker of any MDA or coy, you most be loyal to your boss and the coy as well as present yourself in an attractive and acceptable way or manner, don’t be over ambitious, and you most be neat, well behaved and spoken with lots of ATTITUDE and SWAG, It is a Common knowledge that when you wake up your mouth opens for food, and your pocket needs some amount of money to run things.
However, for PROs to remain relevant and meaningful to forge ahead with assigned set goals for self or coy, PROs must consider these three progressive ways of living leveled up life. And these are 1. Brand, 2. Branding, and 3.Rebrand or Rebranding.
The first here is Brand, simply put, a brand is a concept that publicly distinguished one person or product from another, it can also be a concept that can easily be communicated and understood. A brand is equally a name given to a product or person such that it takes on an identity by itself.
A unique brand can have a huge impact on your bottom line by giving you competitive advantage over others as well as maintaining a good relationship. Brand here, gladly talks about you, individually developing yourself to the level of achieving certain set goals, you only attract the right people with an impactful messages to build a brand that represents you and your personality. Brand is an intangible selling concept that helps people identify you or your coy.
But first you must define your brand promises before you start crafting a plan geared towards achieving those required goals.You most carefully construct your brand through your ATTITUDE, and then the opportunity of shaping your admirer or client expectations by creating a unique brand that goes beyond office or mere relationship.
A brand should be easy to relate to or with as it is the image others have of you and your organization, and its safety protection draws on values that resonate well with others.
WHY DO WE NEED A BRAND. A very Good or positive brand can give a person more human appeal which others can easily relate with more than a company brand that is strictly business oriented. **BRANDING is a process of creating a strong positive perception of ourselves or coy, by placing it in the mind of others. Branding is the way you consciously present yourself for others to see.
You can positively appeal to people through branding and make them feel more connected to you and your coy with the combined elements of logo, design, mission statement and a consistent theme throughout all your communication campaign period.
The process of Rebranding can also be an incredible opportunity to improve, upgrade and elevate your brand to increase your impact and income as a person as you evolve.
Rebranding is changing the way things has been done in the past without any meaningful achievement with a better approach. Good branding is strategic while marketing is tactical.
The IMPORTANT OF BRANDING is something that Can’t be toyed with due to its complex process. However, before you Rebrand or involved in Rebranding, you will required to go through a careful planning and calculated approach method to achieve the required or meaningful (A for R, Action for Result methodology) result.
REBRAND is to change the way PROs do things or the change of the corporate image of a company for the best performance, while REBRANDING is a marketing strategy where a new name, term, symbol, design, concept or combination of some of the above is created for an established brand with the intention of developing a new differentiated identity in the mind of others.
Rebranding happens when an individual or coy changes its logo, slogan, vision, values, name, towards a perceived audience, or when one enters a market with the intention to build a new or tear rubber brand for oneself or company.The bottom line here is for us to be very active in whatever we do Because in today modern world, the word CONTENT is a very passive one, and it’s very active, so you most create or build your own CONTENT, CAPACITY and ENERGY.The time to act is now so that other people can be attracted to you in no small major and this would in turn evolved in money spinner for a better you and coy.
Thanks so much for your attentiveness!
God bless Delta State, DEMSMA, and all of us!!
One Love!!!
Lecture delivered by Toju Oteri B.