The worldwide President of the University of Ibadan Alumni Association (UIAA), Prof. Saawua Nyityo, former Delta State Head of Service, Sir Okey Ofili and Chief Dr. Kemi Emina have eulogised Late Chief Peter Adinma Dunkwu, the Odogwu-Abi of Okpanam in Delta State, describing him as a great asset to humanity.

Prof. Nyityo who described the Late PA Dunkwu as a foremost ancient alumnus of University of Ibadan (UI), an accomplished and outstanding leader of the UIAA, at the burial ceremony on Thursday, stated that the deceased contributed immensely towards the development of humanity before he died at the age of 94 years.
In an interview with journalists at the burial reception venue, he asserted that the death of the former President of UIAA was a great loss to the University of Ibadan (UI) and the Alumni Association, adding that the deceased did not only led remarkably but touched several lives through his administrative role in the development of the UI Alumni Complex.

According to Prof. Nyityo, “we the members of the UIAA worldwide came here from various places to pay tributes to a foremost ancient of the Association because during his time as the Alumni President between 2004-2008, he led us excellently well. He laid the foundation of development in our present Alumni Center in developing structures there and that’s why the biggest structure there was named after him as ‘PA Dunkwu Block’.
“As an erudite scholar and author of repute, his leadership style was so effective that UItes were proud of him. The Alumni Association was consoled by his courage, determination, ideals and philosophies which are inspiration to us”.

In his tribute, the former Head of Service (HOS), Sir Okey Ofili who is also the Delta State Branch Chairman of the University of Ibadan Alumni Association, noted that the deceased was a bridge builder both within the association and the wider society whose life was worthy of emulation.
Okey Ofili noted that the late PA Dunkwu lived a fulfilled and exemplary life and rendered productive services to the University of Ibadan, the UIAA, old Bendel State and now Delta State as well as his community where he served as the Odogwu of Okpanam.

In a separate interview, Chief Dr. Kemi Emina, the Odi-Ega of Ebu in Delta State, noted that the UIAA had lost an excellent administrator, a man that was true to himself, a great pillar and support for the advancement of education and the Alumni development.
Chief Emina, a former president of UIAA (2014-2018) and now Vice Chairman, Conference of Alumni Association of Nigerians Universities (CAANU -Southwest zone), said “I remember when I going for my campaign to be President of UIAA, Late Chief PA Dunkwu accompanied me and campaigned for me. He was so so supportive to me

“UItes lost somebody who was particularly true to himself. With Chief Dunkwu you know where you stand. If he likes you you will know and if he doesn’t you will know. Suites will really miss him especially Committee of Past President of the UIAA”.