Veteran renowned Nollywood star, Bob-Manuel Udokwu has disclosed how he used to fake Illness just to get the opportunity to be admitted in a hospital where his crouch worked as a nurse.
“If there is anything I want to thank God for everyday, it is to thank him for arresting me to serve him.
Yes, I am now a born again Christian living for the glory of the Lord and making sacrifices of bringing more people to serve him in spirit and truth.
I used to suffer a lot from the spirit of womanizing, I will chase almost everything on the skirt to the extent where I will pretend to be sick to get a bedrest in the hospital where my nurse crush works.
When she comes to my ward to administer or check my health, I will beg her “Please chook me injection”. She will tell me it doesn’t require injection yet but I will still plead “please give me injection”.
I kept doing it on and on, imagining being at a hospital 4 times in a month. I will always tell her to “Please chook me injection”. She later understood my sentence and never attended to me again.
I thank you Lord”